Goals for 2018
/Whether you hate new years resolutions, or not, you can't deny that there is something about starting a new year on day one that gets you motivated. I used to never make resolutions or goals for myself, but for the past three years, I've started making lists or things I'd like to work on or accomplish throughout the next 365. This time I've decided to create goals in four categories of my life: Physical, mental, art/media, and financial. I elaborate on some goals, below, and others I leave pretty simple. I'm excited to share these in a public place so that I can have accountability, and maybe encourage someone else to create some goals for themselves, either long term or short term!
No dessert in January - getting my body prepped for less dessert/extra sugar all year long but this is a good intro and it’s easier since most everyone around me is doing the same thing. (I've been sugar sober for one solid week.........believe it or not, the cravings have ceased! I even endured a family get together where a million of my favorite desserts were being eaten aroudn me!)
Eat more veggies - Why is eating green stuff so hard? I'm trying to retrain my stomach to crave that green goodness even if it isn’t the most tasty.
Train Consistently - I already have a pretty standard climbing schedule, but I’m going to be more diligent about doing circuit workouts after climbing sessions to tone up specific areas.
Boulder more - Bouldering is my least favorite area of climbing simply because I’m not strong at it. I’m attempting to have a more positive attitude this year and just embrace my failures. Anyway, climbing is climbing even if you’re not any good.
Build confidence on lead climbing- get out my head and take “risks” (within reason) on challenging lead routes.
Drink more water and no soda in 2018 (I’ve got one year under my belt!)
Stick with a Daily Bible study plan.
Read more books - less Instagram scrolling before bed, ya feel?
Complain less and think before I speak - worked on this a lot in the last half of 2017 and I’m better at it, but I have a long way to go. Why are our mouths so hard to control?
Take more video of everyday life.
Keep up with the blog.
Photograph more.
Eat out less.
Make coffee at home more often
Pay extra on largest bills each month
Stop creating waste with coffee consumption. Bring a travel cup with me everywhere.
So those are my collection of goals that I'm working on and working towards. Maybe at the end of next year, I can give an update on which ones I succeeded with and which ones I fell short. I'd love to hear what goals you have been setting for yourself this year. Make sure to leave them in the comments below!